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Six arrested in disturbance

A major incident occurred on the Alice Springs Town Council Lawns at around 2.30pm this afternoon, with police arresting six people in relation to...

Home and away success

Local trainer Barry Cooke and visiting WA trainer Yannick Valenti had their moment in spotlight during the Alice Springs Turf Club’s meeting at Pioneer...

Tribute to women searchlight operators

The Women's Museum of Australia has revealed the latest addition to its vast collection. The sculpture, which is a replica of those used during World...

Students showing drive in VROOM

As the 2024 school year finishes up for students across town, participants in the VROOM Project at Centralian Senior College (CSC) are looking to...

Alice remembers veterans’ service

106 years on from when the guns fell silent at the end of World War One, Alice Springs residents and returned service servicemen and...

Two arrested Sunday morning

A 20-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman were arrested by Northern Territory Police yesterday morning. NT Police had revoked the parole of the man last...

Mall packed for Diwali colour

Once again, the Alice Springs community was out in force to celebrate another of the town's multicultural events. Hot on the heels of Halloween, a...

Centralian brewery expands south

Red Centre beer is set to make its way to the Eyre Peninsula, with the Alice Springs Brewing Company announcing its acquisition of a...

International investment into Tennant mining

Global mining giant Pan African Resources has fully acquired Tennant Consolidated Mining Group, having purchased 8 per cent of the company earlier this year,...

Cup win would be Just Fine for Alice connections

A foursome of Alice locals could be taking their Melbourne Cup euphoria to the next level after next Tuesday’s famous two mile race. Through national...

Getting on top of Dengue

After the Dengue mosquito was discovered in an adult mosquito trap during a routine exotic mosquito survey in February 2021, an extensive program has...

Pair escapes youth detention overnight

Two 17-year-old males have escaped from the Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre overnight, with Northern Territory Minister for Corrections, Gerard Maley, attacking the previous...

Fast greens, hot shots

The Alice Springs greenkeepers have continued to do an admirable job producing excellent surfaces against the continuous baking the local greens have been receiving...